What is a Modern Workplace?

What really is a Modern Workplace? Being a “Modern Workplace” can mean a lot of things, but there’s one thing that’s certain - it’s always a moving target. We’ll be talking through our 3 areas of focus: Communication, Collaboration, and Business Applications, and give a glimpse into what we see those areas looking like in a “Modern Workplace”, as well as a little history on where they’ve come from. While we do talk about some specific technologies, know that these can be applied “agnostically” independent of a specific technology. It’s more about culture and mindset than anything. So let’s get into it - Please enjoy the conversation with Matt Dressel, Mike Bodell, and Mitch Herrema.

What really is a Modern Workplace? Being a “Modern Workplace” can mean a lot of things, but there’s one thing that’s certain - it’s always a moving target. We’ll be talking through our 3 areas of focus: Communication, Collaboration, and Business Applications, and give a glimpse into what we see those areas looking like in a “Modern Workplace”, as well as a little history on where they’ve come from.

While we do talk about some specific technologies, know that these can be applied “agnostically” independent of a specific technology. It’s more about culture and mindset than anything. So let’s get into it - Please enjoy the conversation with Matt Dressel, Mike Bodell, and Mitch Herrema.

What is a Modern Workplace?
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