Iterative Intranets

We've built our fair share of intranets over the years, and we've noticed many of our clients like the idea of the "big bang" launch where they can celebrate and have an event for the launch of the intranet. We're all about celebrating, but the process of actuallly getting all the pieces in place and keeping it all up to date while the intranet is being built is a lot of work. So we have a few ideas around this topic, and why you might want to consider a phased approach to your intranet launch. Please enjoy the conversation with Mike Bodell and Matt Dressel.

We've built our fair share of intranets over the years, and we've noticed many of our clients like the idea of the "big bang" launch where they can celebrate and have an event for the launch of the intranet. We're all about celebrating, but the process of actuallly getting all the pieces in place and keeping it all up to date while the intranet is being built is a lot of work. So we have a few ideas around this topic, and why you might want to consider a phased approach to your intranet launch.

Please enjoy the conversation with Mike Bodell and Matt Dressel.

Iterative Intranets
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